
COVID-19 Precautionary and Preventive Guidelines

(All students and staff are expected to strictly adhere to the following at all times)
  1. We are maintaining less than 50% of capacity at any given time (as per instructions of MoPH for education establishments).
  2. We do not allow students on-site if they are showing symptoms of COVID-19, respiratory symptoms, or have been in close contact with someone who has confirmed or suspected COVID- 19 in the last 14 days or have history of fever or feeling feverish the previous 24 hours. Students who fall in to any of these categories must inform the Academic Registry
  3. All patrons (Students, Staff, Parents, visitors or volunteers) who enter the campus must have the Ehthiraz app active at all times, have the green status and must show it to any staff member when requests to see it any anytime while in the
  4. We do a thermal screening of all patrons on arrival and entry will be allowed only for those with temperature below 37.8 degrees or
  5. We are strictly enforcing the policy of “staying at home if unwell” for students, teachers or school staff with symptoms. Anyone who feel unwell must inform the management/academic registry by email and seek appropriate medical advice
  6. Safe distance of 1.5m must be maintained at all times. This applies to students and all staff members.
  7. Keep a minimum distance of 1.5 m between students/staff seating’s in classrooms. All our classroom desks are 1.47m in length and the seating arrangements can be based on the desk length.
  8. Students from different classes should not mix with other students during breaks or other
  9. The academic team will take measures to alternate break, recess and mealtimes to avoid mixing of
  10. All students should face forward in one direction while seated in
  11. Teachers should not move around in the classes among students while
  12. Use of lockers is suspended until further
  13. Masks should be worn by all teachers, students and staff all the time. Masks offer important protections. Cloth masks are acceptable, and some people may find them more
  14. We will ensure efficient ventilation in classrooms, halls and offices. Lecturers and students can determine if ventilation is sufficient in their classrooms and can open the windows if deemed necessary. The maintenance staff members will be able to assist if
  15. Staff or students who are unable to wear a cloth face masks and who must be in close proximity to others should ideally wear N95 masks or a surgical mask in combination with a face
  16. Face shields or other forms of eye protection should also be used when working closely with students or staff and unable to manage secretions. Eg. Lab
  17. In certain cases, the use of cloth face coverings by teachers may obstruct the learning process. In those cases, face coverings with clear panels in the front can be
  18. Hand washing and hand sanitizers are available at multiple locations across the campus and in the classrooms.
  19. No social gatherings outside of classes for
  20. We are avoiding gathering of academic or admin staff as much as
  21. Disinfection of facilities such desks and chairs at beginning and end of day, and between classes is scheduled and
  22. Seating at the canteen will not be allowed until further notice and only 5 patrons will be allowed in the canteen (for purchase only) at any given
  23. We have scheduled regular cleaning of the campus environment daily, including toilets, with water and soap/detergent and disinfectant. We clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces such as door handles, desks, light switches, doorframes, etc
  24. Specific measures are in place for students recovering from COVID-19 or those in quarantine e.g. online learning, exams
  25. We request students and staff to utilize additional spaces for lunch/break times, rather than crowding the canteen or
  26. We are ensuring that students who have been in contact with a COVID-19 case stay home for 14 days. The management will notify public health authorities in case of a positive COVID-19 case or suspected
  27. If a student is suspected of having COVID-19 while on the campus they will be isolated in a separate room, and the family and MoPH will be notified to take the student for COVID testing and medical
  28. The suspected case information will be reported to the Ministry of Public Health so that the student can be followed to ensure that they were tested and to take necessary action if the test turns
  29. Equipment and facilities that cannot be cleaned and sanitized will and shall not be
  30. All patrons must avoid sharing tools, equipment or anything with
  31. We strongly advice to use Non-contact greetings to ensure the safety across the campus and in the
  32. We are offering special considerations for vulnerable groups. If you believe that you are vulnerable, contact the academic registry immediately with sufficient details and proof. The management is committed to provide assistance to students or staff who are
  33. We encourage vulnerable staff members and students to remain at home and utilize alternative learning/teaching
  34. Students with family members who suffer from chronic conditions should remain at home and utilize alternative learning Please contact the academic registry with the details of your situation.
  35. Students who are approved for such alternative learning methods must note that their commitment to ensure that the learning is effective is imperative and it is in their hand to ensure that they take all necessary measures to make the alternative learning process work for
  36. The staff of OUC will take all practically possible measures to ensure that we provide the best possible support to students who are facing vulnerability or risks. Alternative learning methods may need additional efforts and hard work from the students, and it is the students’ responsibility to ensure that they put the required effort and hard work into the learning process to ensure their academic success.
Feel free to contact the academic registry if you need any further clarifications or information regarding this communique sent on behalf of the Board of Directors.